Student Policies

Respect Academy diploma


Respect Academy operates on a foundation built on our shared values of Courage, Community, Grit, Integrity, Optimism, and Responsibility which guide all interactions between staff, students, and our community. Our students have chosen Respect Academy because they want to reclaim their graduation and post-secondary future and our community norms (code of conduct) exist to support students in achieving that goal. It is the expectation that students demonstrate our values whenever they are on school property, during school hours, working on school in a remote setting, on the way to or from school, and at any school-sponsored activity. 

Respect Academy is a Restorative Justice school. Our school staff help students navigate interpersonal and behavioral challenges. Students having difficulty communicating with peers or school personnel are encouraged to reach out to their Raven’s Nest Teachers, the Coordinator of Student Support, or any of our school staff.

In order to create a culture of responsibility and personal accountability, Respect has a restorative justice program to address disciplinary issues. Students and staff will make mistakes, but what matters most to the Respect learning community is how these mistakes are addressed and become learning opportunities. The common expectation surrounding all disciplinary issues will require that the student/staff member 1) acknowledge and accept responsibility for his or her mistake, 2) apologize and make restitution to the parties affected by the mistake, 3) do everything in his/her power to make sure that a similar transgression does not take place again.

Attendance Procedures

Respect Teacher Expectations:

Teachers will take attendance in IC for each scheduled period. Attendance should be taken in IC. Teachers will ensure that all course materials and assignments for the week are available through Schoology or Edgenuity morning to ensure students who must miss class due to unforeseen circumstances (like COVID) can access materials and assignments.

In-person Attendance Procedures:

At Respect Academy High School, we believe that loss of instructional time equals loss of learning, and increases the chances that a student will underperform in, or fail, a class or classes. As part of our mission to foster an environment of high expectations that will empower students to reach their full potential; our expectation that students attend every class prepared and on time.

All students are expected to develop and follow their own personalized attendance agreement. Significant support and problem solving to address attendance barriers is provided by the Respect Academy Coordinator of Student Support and School Social worker. Attendance Agreements will be closely monitored. 

All students are expected to: 

  • Attend school regularly following their individual attendance agreement.
  • Call, or have a parent or supporter call the Respect Academy main office as soon as possible if they are absent to share the reason for the absence. 
  • Reach out to their teachers by phone, text, email, or Schoology message. to touch base with them about makeup work and attend office hours as soon as possible for support.
  • Reach out to our Coordinator of Student Support for additional support if they have new barriers to attendance. 

If a student will be absent for all or part of the day, please call the attendance line at 720-423-5228 to report the absence.

Phone calls will be made, to the phone number on record, to inform students, parents/guardians, when a student misses a class. Students are responsible for making up any missed work. Parents should check their student’s attendance and grades through the online Parent Portal.

To support you in following through and being successful with engaging in your classes, the following supports are in place: 

  1. Our Student Support Coordinator and Social Worker are available to support you in identifying strategies and solutions for your attendance barriers including transportation, child care, mental health needs, work obligations, etc. 
  2. Your attendance will be monitored daily. You and your parents/supporters will be contacted if you are missing when we expected you. 
  3. All teachers have course materials available on their Schoology pages to support you in making up work. Note: Even though this is designed to be supportive, Respect Academy is not an online school and regular in-person attendance is the best way to succeed.
  4. If you fail to follow your individualized attendance agreement, you will be required to meet with our Coordinator of Student Support to problem-solve additional support. Your new attendance agreement will be shared with your parents or supporters and closely monitored.
  5.  If you continue to miss class unexpectedly, you may be dropped from your courses. You will be allowed to complete the course in a future term, however, it may impact your projected graduation date. 
  6. If you continue to miss class in the following term, your schedule may be frozen or you may be dropped from Respect Academy to allow space for other students. In this case, you are welcome to apply again, but are not guaranteed acceptance.

Students learn from the beginning to the end of each class, so they must be in class when class begins. Loitering in the halls or parking lot once class time has begun is not acceptable. Students with repeated tardiness will be required to meet with the Coordinator of Student Support to problem solve barriers to timely attendance.

Partial absences

Parents/Supporters/Students need to contact the school’s attendance office at 720-423-5228 when a student is expected to arrive late or needs to leave early.

Partial Absences

Parents/Supporters/Students need to contact the school’s attendance office at 720-423-5228, when a student needs to leave early and check-out with the School Secretary before leaving.

Dress Code Standards

At Respect Academy High School we have high expectations for all students. These expectations are in place to help students prepare for their future in college and career. All students must wear appropriate school attire when at any school function including when participating in school events and during online classes during remote learning. Students are not required to wear a uniform, although, we do have many Respect Gear clothing options available for purchase in the Main Office, throughout the school year. In addition, each Respect student will receive a free Respect shirt when they register.

Appropriate dress is expected at all times.

This includes:

  • Clothing must be school appropriate.
  • Hoodies must be down
  • Absolutely, NO solid red colored clothing including shoes, shoelaces, belts, shoes, hats or hats with some red (like a Red “B”), or any shade of red (burgundy, maroon, etc.)
  • No gang related clothing or apparel 
  • No apparel with any references/images of violence or weapons
  • No overly provocative clothing including midriff tops

Dress Code Violations

  • Students will be warned and offered Respect Academy loaner shirts, sweats, or shorts. 
  • For red shoes, shoe covers will be given to students and required to wear for the school day. 
  • Parents/Guardians will be contacted in the event the student needs to go home to change and return to school.

Free Lunch

All students are expected to complete a free and reduced lunch form found here. Please see the Front Office if you have questions or problems accessing the website.

Off Campus Lunch

All students have the option to leave campus to eat lunch. Respect Academy expects all scholars to return to school in a timely manner and to attend their afternoon classes. Open campus is a privilege not a right and students struggling with this responsibility will be required to meet with the Coordinator of Student Support to problem solve and may have their off-campus lunch privileges revoked.

School Technology

All students at Respect Academy will have access to technology to serve as one of their primary tools of learning. As a My Tech 1:1 School all students are provided a Chromebook for their use. The policies and procedures contained in this document apply to all Chromebooks, laptops and other devices used at Repect Academy. The supplied devices are an educational tool not intended for gaming, social networking or high end computing. Use will be monitored by central DPS staff using the GAGGLE program. Students are responsible for the general care of the technology. Devices that are broken or fail to work properly must be reported to the classroom teacher or Dean of Operations immediately.

Technology Prohibited Guidelines

  • No food or drink allowed next to technology devices
  • All technology must remain free of writing, drawing stickers or labels on it 
  • Any changing of computer settings- wiping the operating system 
  • Accessing other student’s accounts, files and/or email
  • Password sharing
  • Vandalism. Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware (taking keyboard keys out, scratching device screen, etc.), software or data, including, but not limited to changing or using hardware to run other operating systems such as Linux will not be allowed. 

Consequences for Technology Misuse 

Students who are using Technology inappropriately may risk losing that technology. Repeated issues with Chromebooks will result in a referral to administration for disciplinary action. 

Students must return Respect Academy chromebooks, chargers, and hotspots or pay for lost equipment before being allowed to walk in our graduation ceremony or receiving their diploma.



To support student success with coursework, students must adhere to the teacher’s cell phone and earbud policy. All teachers will schedule cell phone breaks to allow students to check messages.

Students are encouraged to talk with their teachers if they have an urgent safety need to monitor their phone. 

  • Respect Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices, including cell phones. 
  • Cell phones will be safely secured during mandated assessments (MAPs, SAT, etc) 

Electronic Violations

  • First Offense
    • If student cell phone use is a distraction to the student or to classmates, students will be verbally instructed by the teacher to turn his/her phone off and place it out of site.
  • Second Offense
    • Student’s phone may be kept by the teacher and returned at the end of the period.
  • Third or Repeat Offense
    • Student’s will be required to have a restorative conversation with the teacher and our school’s Coordinator of Student Support. The students may be asked to store the phone with the school office to be returned at the end of the day.
    • Repeat Offenses will meet with the School Principal to problem solve solutions..

All technology use should follow the district technology guidelines for appropriate technology use: “Policy EGAEC – Network Connections”. Respect Academy is not responsible for personal loss or damaged technology devices